Enterprise Agreement Voting Period

Enterprise Agreement Voting Period: What You Need to Know

An enterprise agreement (EA) is a legally binding agreement between an employer and its employees that outlines their terms and conditions of employment. One of the crucial stages in the process of creating an EA is the voting period. In this article, we will delve deeper into what the EA voting period entails, how it works, and why it is essential.

What is the Enterprise Agreement Voting Period?

The EA voting period is the timeframe when employees can vote on whether they accept the proposed EA or not. The employer must provide a copy of the draft EA to all employees who will be covered by it. The voting period typically lasts for seven days, although this can vary depending on the circumstances.

How Does the EA Voting Process Work?

The voting process typically involves two stages: the information and consultation stage and the voting stage. In the first stage, the employer has a duty to provide all relevant information about the proposed EA to the employees. This may include information about the terms of the agreement, the impact on their employment, and their rights and obligations under the EA.

Once the information and consultation stage is complete, the voting stage begins. Employees are given a ballot paper or online voting option to vote on whether they accept the terms of the proposed EA or not. The employer must ensure that the voting process is conducted fairly and transparently. They must keep accurate records of the voting results and communicate these to employees.

Why is the EA Voting Period Essential?

The EA voting period is a crucial part of the process of creating an EA. It provides employees with an opportunity to have a say in the terms and conditions of their employment. It ensures that the employer has consulted with employees and provided them with all the relevant information before they make a decision.

The EA voting period also provides a level of transparency and accountability. It ensures that the employer is not making unilateral decisions without considering the views and opinions of their employees. The voting process gives employees the power to influence the outcome of the proposed EA, which can ultimately lead to better working conditions and job satisfaction.


In summary, the EA voting period is a critical stage in the process of creating an enterprise agreement. It provides employees with an opportunity to have a say in their terms and conditions of employment, ensures transparency and accountability, and ultimately leads to better working conditions and job satisfaction. As an employer, it is crucial to conduct the voting process fairly and transparently and ensure that all relevant information is provided to employees before they make a decision.