Pandas License Agreement

Pandas is a popular open-source data analysis and manipulation tool used by data scientists around the world. It is an essential library in the Python programming language and its popularity stems from its ease of use and rich API.

However, like all other software, Pandas is governed by a license agreement. In this article, we will delve into the Pandas license agreement to understand its terms and conditions.

License Types

Pandas is released under the BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License. This type of license is a permissive free software license that allows users to modify and redistribute the software without any restrictions. This means that Pandas is available to be used by anyone – individuals, businesses, and organizations – without paying a fee.

With the BSD 3-Clause license, users are allowed to distribute derivative works, but they must give credit to the original software and acknowledge any modifications they have made. Additionally, users must include a copy of the license and any copyright notices in their derivatives.


The BSD 3-Clause license places few restrictions or requirements on the users of Pandas. However, there are some notable restrictions that users must abide by.

Firstly, any use or distribution of the software must include the copyright notice, license, and disclaimer. This means that users cannot remove any of these notices or claims when distributing or using Pandas.

Secondly, the license prohibits users from using the name “Pandas” or any other names associated with the software to endorse or promote their products without express written permission from the Pandas development team.

Thirdly, the license holds the developers of Pandas harmless for any damages or claims made against the software or its users. This means that the developers are not responsible for any harm or losses that may arise from the use or distribution of the software.

Limitation of Liability

The Pandas license agreement includes a limitation of liability clause that states that the developers of the software are not liable for any damages or losses arising from the use or distribution of the software. This clause limits the developers` liability to the cost of the software.


The Pandas license agreement is a permissive BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License that allows users to use and distribute the software freely. However, users must abide by certain restrictions, such as including copyright notices and not using the name of the software to endorse or promote their products without permission.

While the license limits the developers` liability to the cost of the software, users must still use the software responsibly and follow any applicable laws and regulations. By understanding the terms and conditions of the Pandas license agreement, users can use the software effectively and responsibly.